The SignCloud infrastructure, is a complete PKI solution oriented towards the management of digital certifications and the ability to apply digital signatures remotely.


Signcloud Infrastructure Capabilities:

  • Production and Management of the life cycle pertaining to user digital certificates.
  • Hosting of the digital certifications of users in a cloud environment so that availability is ensured when a digital signature is required.
  • Application of digital signatures in documents so that the identity of the user signing can be verified, and the integrity of the digital documents can be validated.
  • Multiple user interfaces for applying digital signatures, including both a web interface and a mobile application.
  • It eliminates the user from the liability of carrying his or her digital signature in a smart card or a PKI token.
  • It has been developed according to contemporary security protocols of the European union.
  • It offers a user interface that can connect with third party applications through API to allow the application of digital signatures in documents.